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Package managers and virtual environments

Core Module

Python is a great programming language and this is mostly due to its vast ecosystem of packages. No matter what you want to do, there is probably a package that can get you started. Just try to remember the last time you wrote a program only using the Python standard library. Probably never. For this reason, we need a way to install third-party packages and this is where package managers come into play.

You have probably already used pip for the longest time, which is the default package manager for Python. pip is great for beginners, but it is missing one essential feature that you will need as a developer or data scientist: virtual environments. Virtual environments are an essential way to make sure that the dependencies of different projects do not cross-contaminate each other. As a naive example, consider project A that requires torch==1.3.0 and project B that requires torch==2.0, then doing

cd project_A  # move to project A
pip install torch==1.3.0  # install old torch version
cd ../project_B  # move to project B
pip install torch==2.0  # install new torch version
cd ../project_A  # move back to project A
python  # try executing main script from project A

will mean that even though we are executing the main script from project A's folder, it will use torch==2.0 instead of torch==1.3.0 because that is the last version we installed. In both cases, pip will install the package into the same environment, in this case, the global environment. Instead, if we did something like:

cd project_A  # move to project A
python -m venv env  # create a virtual environment in project A
source env/bin/activate  # activate that virtual environment
pip install torch==1.3.0  # Install the old torch version into the virtual environment belonging to project A
cd ../project_B  # move to project B
python -m venv env  # create a virtual environment in project B
source env/bin/activate  # activate that virtual environment
pip install torch==2.0  # Install new torch version into the virtual environment belonging to project B
cd ../project_A  # Move back to project A
source env/bin/activate  # Activate the virtual environment belonging to project A
python  # Succeed in executing the main script from project A
cd project_A  # Move to project A
python -m venv env  # Create a virtual environment in project A
.\env\Scripts\activate  # Activate that virtual environment
pip install torch==1.3.0  # Install the old torch version into the virtual environment belonging to project A
cd ../project_B  # Move to project B
python -m venv env  # Create a virtual environment in project B
.\env\Scripts\activate  # Activate that virtual environment
pip install torch==2.0  # Install new torch version into the virtual environment belonging to project B
cd ../project_A  # Move back to project A
.\env\Scripts\activate  # Activate the virtual environment belonging to project A
python  # Succeed in executing the main script from project A

then we would be sure that torch==1.3.0 is used when executing in project A because we are using two different virtual environments. In the above case, we used the venv module, which is the built-in Python module for creating virtual environments. venv+pip is arguably a good combination, but when working on multiple projects it can quickly become a hassle to manage all the different virtual environments yourself, remembering which Python version to use, which packages to install and so on.

For this reason, a number of package managers have been created that can help you manage your virtual environments and dependencies, with some of the most popular being:

🌟 Framework 📄 Docs 📂 Repository ⭐ GitHub Stars
Conda 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 6.7k
Pipenv 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 25.0k
Poetry 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 32.7k
Pipx 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 11.2k
Hatch 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 6.4k
PDM 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 8.1k
uv 🔗 Link 🔗 Link 42.4k

This is considered a problem in the Python community because it means that there is no standard way of managing dependencies like in other languages like npm for node.js or cargo for rust (however, it does seem like uv is trying to become the standard, quickly gaining popularity and being adopted by many projects).


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In this course, we do not care about which package manager you use, but we do care that you use one. If you are already familiar with one package manager, then skip this exercise and continue to use that. The best recommendation that I can give regarding package managers, in general, is to find one you like and then stick with it. A lot of time can be wasted on trying to find the perfect package manager, but in the end, they all do the same thing with some minor differences. Check out this blog post if you want a fairly up-to-date evaluation of the different environment management and packaging tools that exist in the Python ecosystem.

If you are not familiar with any package managers, then we recommend that you use conda and pip for this course. You probably already have conda installed on your laptop, which is great. What conda does especially well is that it allows you to create virtual environments with different Python versions, which can be really useful if you encounter dependencies that have not been updated in a long time. In this course specifically, we are going to recommend the following workflow:

  • Use conda to create virtual environments with specific Python versions
  • Use pip to install packages in that environment

Installing packages with pip inside conda environments has been considered a bad practice for a long time, but since conda>=4.6 it is considered safe to do so. The reason for this is that conda now has a built-in compatibility layer that makes sure that pip-installed packages are compatible with the other packages installed in the environment.

Python dependencies

Before we get started with the exercises, let's first talk a bit about Python dependencies. One of the most common ways to specify dependencies in the Python community is through a requirements.txt file, which is a simple text file that contains a list of all the packages that you want to install. The format allows you to specify the package name and version number you want, with 7 different operators:

package1           # any version
package2 == x.y.z  # exact version
package3 >= x.y.z  # at least version x.y.z
package4 >  x.y.z  # newer than version x.y.z
package4 <= x.y.z  # at most version x.y.z
package5 <  x.y.z  # older than version x.y.z
package6 ~= x.y.z  # install version newer than x.y.z and older than x.y+1

In general, all packages (should) follow the semantic versioning standard, which means that the version number is split into three parts: x.y.z where x is the major version, y is the minor version and z is the patch version.

The reason that we need to specify the version number is that we want to make sure that we can reproduce our code at a later point. If we do not specify the version number, then we are at the mercy of the package maintainer to not change the API of the package. This is especially important when working with machine learning models, as we want to make sure that we can reproduce the exact same model at a later point.

Finally, we also need to discuss dependency resolution, which is the process of figuring out which packages are compatible. This is a non-trivial problem, and there exist a lot of different algorithms for doing this. If you have ever thought that pip and conda were taking a long time to install something, then it is probably because they were trying to figure out which packages are compatible with each other. For example, if you try to install

pip install "matplotlib >= 3.8.0" "numpy <= 1.19" --dry-run

then it would simply fail because there are no versions of matplotlib and numpy under the given constraints that are compatible with each other. In this case, we would need to relax the constraints to something like

pip install "matplotlib >= 3.8.0" "numpy <= 1.21" --dry-run

to make it work.

❔ Exercises

Conda vs. Mamba

If you are using conda then you can also use mamba which is a drop-in replacement conda that is faster. This means that any conda command can be replaced with mamba and it should work. Feel free to use mamba if you are already familiar with conda or after having gone through the exercises below. Install instructions can be found here.

For hints regarding how to use conda you can check out the cheat sheet in the exercise folder.

  1. Download and install conda. You are free to either install full conda or the much simpler version miniconda. The core difference between the two packages is that conda already comes with a lot of packages that you would normally have to install with miniconda. The downside is that conda is a much larger package which can be a huge disadvantage on smaller devices. Make sure that your installation works by writing conda help in a terminal, and it should show you the help message for conda. If this does not work, you probably need to set some system variable to point to the conda installation

  2. If you have successfully installed conda, then you should be able to execute the conda command in a terminal.


    Conda will always tell you what environment you are currently in, indicated by the (env_name) in the prompt. By default, it will always start in the (base) environment.

  3. Try creating a new virtual environment. Make sure that it is called my_environment and that it installs version 3.11 of Python. What command should you execute to do this?

    Use Python 3.8 or higher

    We highly recommend that you use Python 3.8 or higher for this course. In general, we recommend that you use the second latest version of Python that is available (currently Python 3.11 as of writing this). This is because the latest version of Python is often not supported by all dependencies. You can always check the status of different Python versions here.

    conda create --name my_environment python=3.11
  4. Which conda command gives you a list of all the environments that you have created?

    conda env list
  5. Which conda command gives you a list of the packages installed in the current environment?

    conda list
    1. How do you easily export this list to a text file? Do this, and make sure you export it to a file called environment.yaml, as conda uses another format by default than pip.

      conda list --explicit > environment.yaml
    2. Inspect the file to see what is in it.

    3. The environment.yaml file you have created is one way to secure reproducibility between users because anyone should be able to get an exact copy of your environment if they have your environment.yaml file. Try creating a new environment directly from your environment.yaml file and check that the packages being installed exactly match what you originally had.

      conda env create --name <environment-name> --file environment.yaml
  6. As the introduction states, it is fairly safe to use pip inside conda today. What is the corresponding pip command that gives you a list of all pip installed packages? And how do you export this to a requirements.txt file?

    pip list # List all installed packages
    pip freeze > requirements.txt # Export all installed packages to a requirements.txt file
  7. If you look through the requirements that both pip and conda produce, you will see that they are often filled with a lot more packages than what you are using in your project. What you are interested in are the packages that you import in your code: from package import module. One way to get around this is to use the package pipreqs, which will automatically scan your project and create a requirements file specific to that. Let's try it out:

    1. Install pipreqs:

      pip install pipreqs
    2. Either try out pipreqs on one of your own projects or try it out on some other online project. What does the requirements.txt file that pipreqs produces look like compared to the files produced by either pip or conda?

🧠 Knowledge check

  1. Try executing the command

    pip install "pytest < 4.6" pytest-cov==2.12.1

    based on the error message you get, what would be a compatible way to install these?


    As pytest-cov==2.12.1 requires a version of pytest newer than 4.6, we can simply change the command to be:

    pip install "pytest >= 4.6" pytest-cov==2.12.1

    but there of course exist other solutions as well.

This ends the module on setting up virtual environments. While the methods mentioned in the exercises are great ways to construct requirement files automatically, sometimes it is just easier to sit down and manually create the files, as you in that way ensure that only the most necessary requirements are installed when creating a new environment.