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Unit testing

Core Module

What often comes to mind for many developers, when discussing continuous integration (CI) is code testing. Continuous integration should ensure that whenever a codebase is updated it is automatically tested such that if bugs have been introduced in the codebase it will be caught early on. If you look at the MLOps cycle, continuous integration is one of the cornerstones of the operations part. However, it should be noted that applying continuous integration does not magically secure that your code does not break. Continuous integration is only as strong as the tests that are automatically executed. Continuous integration simply structures and automates this.


Continuous Integration doesn’t get rid of bugs, but it does make them dramatically easier to find and remove.

Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist, ThoughtWorks


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The kind of tests we are going to look at are called unit testing. Unit testing refers to the practice of writing test that tests individual parts of your code base to test for correctness. By unit, you can therefore think of a function, module or in general any object. By writing tests in this way it should be very easy to isolate which part of the code broke after an update to the code base. Another way to test your code base would be through integration testing which is equally important but we are not going to focus on it in this course.

Unit tests (and integration tests) are not a unique concept to MLOps but are a core concept of DevOps. However, it is important to note that testing machine learning-based systems is much more difficult than traditional systems. The reason for this is that machine learning systems depend on data, that influences the state of our system. For this reason, we not only need unit tests and integration tests of our code we also need data testing, infrastructure testing and more monitoring to check that we stay within the data distribution we are training on (more on this in module M25 on data drifting). This added complexity is illustrated in the figure below.



Before we can begin to automate testing of our code base we of course need to write the tests first. It is both a hard and tedious task to do but arguably the most important aspect of continuous integration. Python offers a couple of different libraries for writing tests. We are going to use pytest.

❔ Exercises

The following exercises should be applied to your MNIST repository

  1. The first part of doing continuous integration is writing the unit tests. We do not expect you to cover every part of the code you have developed but try to at least write tests that cover two files. Start by creating a tests folder.

  2. Read the getting started guide for pytest which is the testing framework that we are going to use

  3. Install pytest:

    pip install pytest
  4. Write some tests. Below are some guidelines on some tests that should be implemented, but you are of course free to implement more tests. You can at any point check if your tests are passing by typing in a terminal

    pytest tests/

    When you implement a test you need to follow two standards, for pytest to be able to find your tests. First, any files created (except should always start with test_*.py. Secondly, any test implemented needs to be wrapped into a function that again needs to start with test_*:

    # this will be found and executed by pytest
    def test_something():
    # this will not be found and executed by pytest
    def something_to_test():
    1. Start by creating a tests/ file and fill in the following:

      import os
      _TEST_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)  # root of test folder
      _PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(_TEST_ROOT)  # root of project
      _PATH_DATA = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "data")  # root of data

      these can help you refer to your data files during testing. For example, in another test file, I could write

      from tests import _PATH_DATA

      which then contains the root path to my data.

    2. Data testing: In a file called tests/ implement at least a test that checks that data gets correctly loaded. By this, we mean that you should check

      def test_data():
          dataset = MNIST(...)
          assert len(dataset) == N_train for training and N_test for test
          assert that each datapoint has shape [1,28,28] or [784] depending on how you choose to format
          assert that all labels are represented

      where N_train should be either 30.000 or 50.000 depending on if you are just the first subset of the corrupted MNIST data or also including the second subset. N_test should be 5000.

      from import corrupt_mnist
      def test_data():
          train, test = corrupt_mnist()
          assert len(train) == 30000
          assert len(test) == 5000
          for dataset in [train, test]:
              for x, y in dataset:
                  assert x.shape == (1, 28, 28)
                  assert y in range(10)
          train_targets = torch.unique(train.tensors[1])
          assert (train_targets == torch.arange(0,10)).all()
          test_targets = torch.unique(test.tensors[1])
          assert (test_targets == torch.arange(0,10)).all()
    3. Model testing: In a file called tests/ implement at least a test that checks for a given input with shape X that the output of the model has shape Y.

      from my_project.model import MyAwesomeModel
      def test_model():
          model = MyAwesomeModel()
          x = torch.randn(1, 1, 28, 28)
          y = model(x)
          assert y.shape == (1, 10)
    4. Training testing: In a file called tests/ implement at least one test that asserts something about your training script. You are here given free hands on what should be tested but try to test something that risks being broken when developing the code.

    5. Good code raises errors and gives out warnings in appropriate places. This is often in the case of some invalid combination of input to your script. For example, your model could check for the size of the input given to it (see code below) to make sure it corresponds to what you are expecting. Not implementing such errors would still result in PyTorch failing at a later point due to shape errors, however, these custom errors will probably make more sense to the end user. Implement at least one raised error or warning somewhere in your code and use either pytest.raises or pytest.warns to check that they are correctly raised/warned. As inspiration, the following implements ValueError in code belonging to the model:

      # src/models/
      def forward(self, x: Tensor):
          if x.ndim != 4:
              raise ValueError('Expected input to a 4D tensor')
          if x.shape[1] != 1 or x.shape[2] != 28 or x.shape[3] != 28:
              raise ValueError('Expected each sample to have shape [1, 28, 28]')

      The above example would be captured by a test looking something like this:

      # tests/
      import pytest
      from my_project.model import MyAwesomeModel
      def test_error_on_wrong_shape():
          model = MyAwesomeModel()
          with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Expected input to a 4D tensor'):
          with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Expected each sample to have shape [1, 28, 28]'):
    6. A test is only as good as the error message it gives, and by default, assert will only report that the check failed. However, we can help ourselves and others by adding strings after assert like

      assert len(train_dataset) == N_train, "Dataset did not have the correct number of samples"

      Add such comments to the assert statements you just did in the previous exercises.

    7. The tests that involve checking anything that has to do with our data, will of course fail if the data is not present. To future-proof our code, we can take advantage of the pytest.mark.skipif decorator. Use this decorator to skip your data tests if the corresponding data files do not exist. It should look something like this

      import os.path
      @pytest.mark.skipif(not os.path.exists(file_path), reason="Data files not found")
      def test_something_about_data():

      You can read more about skipping tests here

  5. After writing the different tests, make sure that they are passing locally.

  6. We often want to check a function/module for various input arguments. In this case, you could write the same test over and over again for different inputs, but pytest also has built-in support for this with the use of the pytest.mark.parametrize decorator. Implement a parametrized test and make sure that it runs for different inputs.

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [32, 64])
    def test_model(batch_size: int) -> None:
        model = MyModel()
        x = torch.randn(batch_size, 1, 28, 28)
        y = model(x)
        assert y.shape == (batch_size, 10)
  7. There is no way of measuring how good the test you have written is. However, what we can measure is the code coverage. Code coverage refers to the percentage of your codebase that gets run when all your tests are executed. Having a high coverage at least means that all your code will run when executed.

    1. Install coverage

      pip install coverage
    2. Instead of running your tests directly with pytest, now do

      coverage run -m pytest tests/
    3. To get a simple coverage report simply type

      coverage report

      which will give you the percentage of cover in each of your files. You can also write

      coverage report -m

      to get the exact lines that were missed by your tests.

    4. Finally, try to increase the coverage by writing a new test that runs some of the lines in your codebase that are not covered yet.

    5. Often coverage reports the code coverage on files that we do not want to get a code coverage for, for example your test file. Figure out how to configure coverage to exclude some files.


      You need to set the omit option. This can either be done when running coverage run or coverage report such as:

      coverage run --omit="tests/*" -m pytest tests/
      # or
      coverage report --omit="tests/*"

      As an alternative you can specify this in your pyproject.toml file:

      omit = ["tests/*"]

🧠 Knowledge check

  1. Assuming you have a code coverage of 100%, would you expect that no bugs are present in your code?


    No, code coverage is not a guarantee that your code is bug-free. It is just a measure of how many lines of code are run when your tests are executed. Therefore, there may still be some corner case that is not covered by your tests and will result in a bug. However, having a high code coverage is a good indicator that you have tested your code.

  2. Consider the following code:

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("network_size", [10, 100, 1000])
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("device", ["cpu", "cuda"])
    class MyTestClass:
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("network_type", ["alexnet", "squeezenet", "vgg", "resnet"])
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("precision", [torch.half, torch.float, torch.double])
        def test_network1(self, network_size, device, network_type, precision):
            if device == "cuda" and not torch.cuda.is_available():
                pytest.skip("Test requires cuda")
            model = MyModelClass(network_size, network_type).to(device=device, dtype=precision)
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("add_dropout", [True, False])
        def test_network2(self, network_size, device, add_dropout):
            if device == "cuda" and not torch.cuda.is_available():
                pytest.skip("Test requires cuda")
            model = MyModelClass2(network_size, add_dropout).to(device)

    how many tests are executed when running the above code?


    The answer depends on whether or not we are running on a GPU-enabled machine. The test_network1 has 4 parameters, network_size, device, network_type, precision, that respectively can take on 3, 2, 4, 3 values meaning that in total that test will be running 3x2x4x3=72 times with different parameters on a GPU-enabled machine and 36 on a machine without a GPU. A similar calculation can be done for test_network2, which only has three factors network_size, device, add_dropout that result in 3x2x2=12 test on a GPU-enabled machine and 6 on a machine without a GPU. In total, that means 84 tests would run on a machine with a GPU and 42 on a machine without a GPU.

That covers the basics of writing unit tests for Python code. We want to note that pytest of course is not the only framework for doing this. Python has a built-in framework called unittest for doing this also (but pytest offers a bit more features). Another open-source framework that you could choose to check out is hypothesis which can help catch errors in corner cases of your code. In addition to writing unit tests it is also highly recommended to test code that you include in your docstring belonging to your functions and modulus to make sure that any code there is in your documentation is also correct. For such testing, we can highly recommend using Python built-in framework doctest.