Deployment of Machine Learning Models
In one of the previous modules you learned about how to use FastAPI to create an API to interact with your machine learning models. FastAPI is a great framework, but it is a general framework meaning that it was not developed with machine learning applications in mind. This means that there are features which you may consider to be missing when considering running large scale machine learning models:
Dynamic-batching: if you have a large number of requests coming in, you may want to process them in batches to reduce the overhead of loading the model and running the inference. This is especially true if you are running your model on a GPU, where the overhead of loading the model is significant.
Async inference: FastAPI does support async requests but not a way to call the model asynchronously. This means that if you have a large number of requests coming in, you will have to wait for the model to finish processing (because the model is not async) before you can start processing the next request.
Native GPU support: you can definitely run part of your application in FastAPI if you want to. But again it was not built with machine learning in mind, so you will have to do some extra work to get it to work.
It should come as no surprise that multiple frameworks have therefore sprung up that better support deployment of machine learning algorithms (just listing a few here):
🌟 Framework | 🧩 Backend Agnostic | 🧠 Model Agnostic | 📂 Repository | ⭐ GitHub Stars |
Cortex | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 8.0k |
BentoML | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 7.5k |
Ray Serve | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 35.8k |
Triton Inference Server | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 8.9k |
OpenVINO | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 7.9k |
Seldon-core | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 4.5k |
Litserve | ✅ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 2.9k |
Torchserve | ❌ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 4.3k |
TensorFlow serve | ❌ | ✅ | 🔗 Link | 6.2k |
vLLM | ❌ | ❌ | 🔗 Link | 40.6k |
The first 7 frameworks are backend agnostic, meaning that they are intended to work with whatever computational backend your model is implemented in (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Jax, Sklearn, etc.), whereas the last 3 are backend specific (PyTorch, TensorFlow and a custom framework). The first 9 frameworks are model agnostic, meaning that they are intended to work with whatever model you have implemented, whereas the last one is model specific in this case to LLM's. When choosing a framework to deploy your model, you should consider the following:
Ease of use. Some frameworks are easier to use and get started with than others, but may have fewer features. As an example from the list above,
is very easy to get started with but is a relatively new framework and may not have all the features you need. -
Performance. Some frameworks are optimized for performance, but may be harder to use. As an example from the list above,
is a very high performance framework for serving large language models but it cannot be used for other types of models. -
Community. Some frameworks have a large community, which can be helpful if you run into problems. As an example from the list above,
Triton Inference Server
was developed by Nvidia and has a large community of users. As a good rule of thumb, the more stars a repository has on GitHub, the larger the community.
In this module we are going to be looking at the BentoML
framework because it strikes a good balance between ease of
use and having a lot of features that can improve the performance of serving your models. However, before we dive into
this serving framework, we are going to look at a general way to package our machine learning models that should work
with most of the above frameworks.
Model Packaging
Whenever we want to serve a machine learning model, we in general need three things:
- The computational graph of the model, e.g. how to pass data through the model to get a prediction
- The weights of the model, e.g. the parameters that the model has learned during training
- A computational backend that can run the model
In the past module on Docker we learned how to package all of these things into a container. This is a great way to package a model, but it is not the only way. The core assumption we have currently made is that the computational backend is the same as the one we trained the model on. However, this does not need to be the case. As long as we can export our model and weights to a common format, we can run the model on any backend that supports this format.
This is exactly what the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is designed to do. ONNX is a standardized format for creating and sharing machine learning models. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. The idea behind ONNX is that a model trained with a specific framework on a specific device, let's say PyTorch on your local computer, can be exported and run with an entirely different framework and hardware easily. Learning how to export your models to ONNX is therefore a great way to increase the longevity of your models and not be locked into a specific framework for serving your models.
❔ Exercises
Start by installing ONNX, ONNX runtime and ONNX script. This can be done by running the following command:
The first package contains the core ONNX framework, the second package contains the runtime for running ONNX models and the third package contains a new experimental package that is designed to make it easier to export models to ONNX.
Let's start out by converting a model to ONNX. The following code snippets show how to export a PyTorch model to ONNX.
import torch import torchvision model = torchvision.models.resnet18(weights=None) model.eval() dummy_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224) onnx_model = torch.onnx.dynamo_export( model=model, model_args=(dummy_input,), export_options=torch.onnx.ExportOptions(dynamic_shapes=True), )"resnet18.onnx")
import torch import torchvision model = torchvision.models.resnet18(weights=None) model.eval() dummy_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224) torch.onnx.export( model=model, args=(dummy_input,), f="resnet18.onnx", input_names=["input"], output_names=["output"], dynamic_axes={"input": {0: "batch_size"}, "output": {0: "batch_size"}} )
import torch import torchvision import pytorch_lightning as pl import onnx import onnxruntime class LitModel(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.model = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True) self.model.eval() def forward(self, x): return self.model(x) model = LitModel() model.eval() dummy_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224) model.to_onnx( file_path="resnet18.onnx", input_sample=dummy_input, input_names=["input"], output_names=["output"], dynamic_axes={"input": {0: "batch_size"}, "output": {0: "batch_size"}} )
Export a model of your own choice to ONNX or just try to export the
model as shown in the examples above, and confirm that the model was exported by checking that the file exists. Can you figure out what is meant bydynamic_axes
argument is used to specify which axes of the input tensor that should be considered dynamic. This is useful when the model can accept inputs of different sizes, e.g. when the model is used in a dynamic batching scenario. In the example above we have specified that the first axis of the input tensor should be considered dynamic, meaning that the model can accept inputs of different batch sizes. While it may be tempting to specify all axes as dynamic, this can lead to slower inference times because the ONNX runtime will not be able to optimize the computational graph as well. -
Check that the model was correctly exported by loading it using the
package and afterwards check the graph of the model using the following code: -
To get a better understanding of what is actually exported, let's try to visualize the computational graph of the model. This can be done using the open-source tool netron. You can either try it out directly in webbrowser or you can install it locally using
pip install netron
and then run it usingnetron resnet18.onnx
. Can you figure out what method of the model is exported to ONNX?Solution
When a PyTorch model is exported to ONNX, it is only the
method of the model that is exported. This means that that is the only method we have access to when we load the model later. Therefore, make sure that theforward
method of your model is implemented in a way that it can be used for inference. -
After converting a model to ONNX format we can use ONNX Runtime to run it. The benefit of this is that ONNX Runtime is able to optimize the computational graph of the model, which can lead to faster inference times. Let's try to look into that.
Figure out how to run a model using the ONNX Runtime. Relevant documentation.
To use the ONNX runtime to run a model, we first need to start an inference session, then extract the input and output names of our model and finally run the model. The following code snippet shows how to do this.
import onnxruntime as rt ort_session = rt.InferenceSession("<path-to-model>") input_names = [ for i in ort_session.get_inputs()] output_names = [ for i in ort_session.get_outputs()] batch = {input_names[0]: np.random.randn(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32)} out =, batch)
Let's experiment with the performance of ONNX vs. PyTorch. Implement a benchmark that measures the time it takes to run a model using PyTorch and ONNX. Bonus points if you test for multiple input sizes. To get you started we have implemented a timing decorator that you can use to measure the time it takes to run a function.
from statistics import mean, stdev import time def timing_decorator(func, function_repeat: int = 10, timing_repeat: int = 5): """ Decorator that times the execution of a function. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): timing_results = [] for _ in range(timing_repeat): start_time = time.time() for _ in range(function_repeat): result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time timing_results.append(elapsed_time) print(f"Avg +- Stddev: {mean(timing_results):0.3f} +- {stdev(timing_results):0.3f} seconds") return result return wrapper
To get a better understanding of why running the model using the ONNX runtime is usually faster let's try to see what happens to the computational graph. By default the ONNX Runtime will apply this optimization in online mode, meaning that the optimizations are applied when the model is loaded. However, it is also possible to apply the optimizations in offline mode, such that the optimized model is saved to disk. Below is an example of how to do this.
import onnxruntime as rt sess_options = rt.SessionOptions() # Set graph optimization level sess_options.graph_optimization_level = rt.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_EXTENDED # To enable model serialization after graph optimization set this sess_options.optimized_model_filepath = "optimized_model.onnx>" session = rt.InferenceSession("<model_path>", sess_options)
Try to apply the optimizations in offline mode and use
to visualize both the original and optimized models side by side. Can you see any differences?Solution
You should hopefully see that the optimized model consists of fewer nodes and edges than the original model. These nodes are often called fused nodes, because they are the result of multiple nodes being fused together. In the image below we have visualized the first part of the computational graph of a resnet18 model, before and after optimization.
Exporting a model to ONNX is not always perfect out of the box. To the conversion of your PyTorch models there need to be a one-to-one correspondence between PyTorch and ONNX operators. Especially, the opset number is important to set correctly in ONNX to get the correct operators. If this is not the case, the exported model can lead to a difference in results. To check the model, it is therefore also a good idea to check if the difference between the PyTorch and ONNX model is within a certain threshold. Implement a simple function that loads the model using PyTorch and ONNX and checks if the difference between the two models is within a certain threshold.
The function below should work for a neural network which takes in a single input tensor and returns a single output tensor. If this is not the case, you will need to modify the function to fit your model.
As mentioned in the introduction, ONNX is able to run on many different types of hardware and execution engines. You can check all the providers and all the available providers by running the following code:
import onnxruntime print(onnxruntime.get_all_providers()) print(onnxruntime.get_available_providers())
Can you figure out how to set which provider the ONNX runtime should use?
The provider that the ONNX runtime should use can be set by passing the
argument to theInferenceSession
class. A list should be provided, which prioritizes the providers in the order they are listed.import onnxruntime as rt provider_list = ['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'] ort_session = rt.InferenceSession("<path-to-model>", providers=provider_list)
In this case we will prefer CUDA Execution Provider over CPU Execution Provider if both are available.
As you have probably realized in the exercises on docker, it can take a long time to build the kind of containers we are working with and they can be quite large. There is a reason for this and that is that PyTorch is a very large framework with a lot of dependencies. ONNX on the other hand is a much smaller framework. This kind of makes sense, because PyTorch is a framework that primarily was designed for developing, e.g. training models, while ONNX is a framework that is designed for serving models. Let's try to quantify this.
Construct a dockerfile that builds a docker image with PyTorch as a dependency. The dockerfile does not actually need to run anything. Repeat the same process for the ONNX runtime. Bonus point for developing a docker image that takes a build arg at build time that specifies if the image should be built with CUDA support or not.
The dockerfile for the PyTorch image could look something like this
and the dockerfile for the ONNX image could look something like this
inference_onnx.dockerfile -
Build both containers and measure the time it takes to build them. How much faster is it to build the ONNX container compared to the PyTorch container?
On unix/linux you can use the time command to measure the time it takes to build the containers. Building both images, with and without CUDA support, can be done with the following commands:
time docker build . -t pytorch_inference_cuda:latest -f inference_pytorch.dockerfile \ --no-cache --build-arg CUDA=true time docker build . -t pytorch_inference:latest -f inference_pytorch.dockerfile \ --no-cache --build-arg CUDA= time docker build . -t onnx_inference_cuda:latest -f inference_onnx.dockerfile \ --no-cache --build-arg CUDA=true time docker build . -t onnx_inference:latest -f inference_onnx.dockerfile \ --no-cache --build-arg CUDA=
flag is used to ensure that the build process is not cached and ensures a fair comparison. On my laptop this respectively took5m1s
meaning that the ONNX container was respectively 7x (with CUDA) and 1.28x (no CUDA) faster to build than the PyTorch container. -
Figure out the sizes of the two docker images. This can be done in the terminal by running the
docker images
command. How much smaller is the ONNX model compared to the PyTorch model?Solution
As of writing, the docker image containing the PyTorch framework was 5.54GB (with CUDA) and 1.25GB (no CUDA). In comparison the ONNX image was 647MB (with CUDA) and 647MB (no CUDA). This means that the ONNX image is respectively 8.5x (with CUDA) and 1.94x (no CUDA) smaller than the PyTorch image.
(Optional) Assuming you have completed the module on FastAPI, try creating a small FastAPI application that serves a model using the ONNX runtime.
Here is a simple example of how to create a FastAPI application that serves a model using the ONNX runtime.
This completes the exercises on the ONNX format. Do note that one limitation of the ONNX format is that it is based on
ProtoBuf, which is a binary format. A protobuf file can have a maximum size of 2GB, which means
that the .onnx
format is not enough for very large models. However, through the use of
external data it is possible to circumvent this
BentoML cloud vs BentoML OSS
We are only going to be looking at the open-source version of BentoML in this module. However, BentoML also has a cloud version that makes it very easy to deploy models that are coded in BentoML to the cloud. If you are interested in this, you can check out the BentoML cloud documentation. This business strategy of having an open-source product and a cloud product is very common in the machine learning space (HuggingFace, LightningAI, Weights and Biases, etc.), because it allows companies to make money from the cloud product while still providing a free product to the community.
BentoML is a framework that is designed to make it easy to serve machine learning models. It is designed to be backend agnostic, meaning that it can be used with any computational backend. It is also model agnostic, meaning that it can be used with any machine learning model.
Let's consider a simple example of how to serve a model using BentoML. The following
code snippet shows how to serve a model that uses
the transformers
library to summarize text.
import bentoml
from transformers import pipeline
"Breaking News: In an astonishing turn of events, the small town of Willow Creek has been taken by storm as "
"local resident Jerry Thompson's cat, Whiskers, performed what witnesses are calling a 'miraculous and gravity-"
"defying leap.' Eyewitnesses report that Whiskers, an otherwise unremarkable tabby cat, jumped a record-breaking "
"20 feet into the air to catch a fly. The event, which took place in Thompson's backyard, is now being investigated "
"by scientists for potential breaches in the laws of physics. Local authorities are considering a town festival to "
"celebrate what is being hailed as 'The Leap of the Century.'"
@bentoml.service(resources={"cpu": "2"}, traffic={"timeout": 10})
class Summarization:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.pipeline = pipeline('summarization')
def summarize(self, text: str = EXAMPLE_INPUT) -> str:
result = self.pipeline(text)
return result[0]['summary_text']
In BentoML
we organize our services in classes, where each class is a service that we want to serve. The two important
parts of the code snippet are the @bentoml.service
and @bentoml.api
decorator is used to specify the resources that the service should use and in general how the service should be run. In this case we are specifying that the service should use 2 CPU cores and that the timeout for the service should be 10 seconds. -
decorator is used to specify the API that the service should expose. In this case we are specifying that the service should have an API calledsummarize
that takes a string as input and returns a string as output.
To serve the model using BentoML
we can execute the following command, which is very similar to the command we used
to serve the model using FastAPI.
❔ Exercises
In general, we recommend looking through the docs for Bento ML if you
need help with any of the exercises. We are going to assume that you have done the exercises on ONNX and we are
therefore going to be using BentoML
to serve ONNX models. If you have not done that part, you can still follow along
but you will need to use a PyTorch model instead of an ONNX model.
Install BentoML.
Remember to add the dependency to your
file. -
You are in principal free to serve any model you like, but we recommend just using a torchvision model as in the ONNX exercises. Write your first service in
that serves a model of your choice. We recommend experimenting with providing input/output as tensors because bentoml supports this natively. Secondly, write a client that can send a request to the service and print the result. Here we recommend using the built-in bentoml.SyncHTTPClient.Solution
The following implements a simple BentoML service that serves an ONNX resnet18 model. The service expects both the input and output to be numpy arrays.
The service can be served using the following command:
To test that the service works the following client can be used:
We are now going to look at features where
really sets itself apart fromFastAPI
. The first is adaptive batching. As you are hopefully aware, modern machine learning models can process multiple samples at the same time and in doing so increase the throughput of the model. When we train a model we often set a fixed batch size, however we cannot do that when serving the model because that would mean that we would have to wait for the batch to be full before we can process it. Adaptive batching simply refers to the process where we specify a maximum batch size and also a timeout. When either the batch is full or the timeout is reached, however many samples we have collected are sent to the model for processing. This can be a very powerful feature because it allows us to process samples as soon as they arrive, while still taking advantage of the increased throughput of batching.The overall architecture of the adaptive batching feature in BentoML. The feature is implemented on the server side and mainly consists of a dispatcher that is in charge of collecting requests and sending them to the model server when either the batch is full or a timeout is reached. Image credit -
Look through the documentation on adaptive batching and add adaptive batching to your service from the previous exercise. Make sure your service works as expected by testing it with the client from the previous exercise.
Try to measure the throughput of your model with and without adaptive batching. Assuming that you have completed the module on testing APIs and therefore are familiar with the
framework, we recommend that you write a simple locustfile and use thelocust
command to measure the throughput of your model.Solution
The following locust file can be used to measure the throughput of the model with and without adaptive batching
and then the following command can be used to measure the throughput of the model
You should hopefully see that the throughput of the model is higher when adaptive batching is enabled, but the speedup is largely dependent on the model you are running, the configuration of the adaptive batching and the hardware you are running on.
On my laptop I saw about a 1.5 - 2x speedup when adaptive batching was enabled.
(Optional, requires GPU) Look through the documentation for inference on GPU and add this to your service. Check that your service works as expected by testing it with the client from the previous exercise and make sure you are seeing a speedup when running on the GPU.
A simple change to the
decorator is all that is needed to run the model on the GPU.```python @bentoml.service(resources={"gpu": 1}) class MyService: def init(self): self.model = torch.load('model.pth').to('cuda:0')
Another way to speed up the inference is to just use multiple workers. This duplicates the server over multiple processes taking advantage of modern multi-core CPUs. This is similar to running the
command with the--workers
flag for FastAPI applications. Implement multiple workers in your service and test that it works as expected by testing it with the client from the previous exercise. Also test that you are seeing a speedup when running with multiple workers.Solution
Multiple workers can be added to the
decorator as shown below.Alternatively, you can set
to use all available CPU cores. The speedup depends on the model you are serving, the hardware you are running on and the number of workers you are using, but it should be higher than using a single worker. -
In addition to increasing the throughput of your deployments
can also help with ML applications that require some kind of composition of multiple models. It is very normal in production setups to have multiple models that either- Run in a sequence, e.g., the output of one model is the input of another model. You may have a preprocessing service that preprocesses the data before it is sent to a model that makes a prediction.
- Run concurrently, e.g., you have multiple models that are run at the same time and the outputs of all the models are combined to make a prediction. Ensemble models are a good example of this.
makes it easy to compose multiple models together.-
Implement two services that run in a sequence, e.g., the output of one service is used as the input to another service. As an example you can implement either some pre- or post-processing service that is used in conjunction with the model you have implemented in the previous exercises.
The following code snippet shows how to implement two services that run in sequence.
Implement three services, where two of them run concurrently and the outputs of both services are combined in the third service to make a prediction. As an example you can expand your previous service to serve two different models and then implement a third service that combines the outputs of both models to make a prediction.
The following code snippet shows how to implement a service that consists of two concurrent services. The example assumes that two models called
are available. -
(Optional) Implement a server that consists of both sequential and concurrent services.
Similar to deploying a FastAPI application to the cloud, deploying a
framework to the cloud often requires you to first containerize the application. BecauseBentoML
is designed to be easy to use for even users not that familiar with Docker, it introduces the concept of abentofile
. Abentofile
is a file that specifies how the container should be built. Below is an example of how abentofile
could look.service: 'service:Summarization' labels: owner: bentoml-team project: gallery include: - '*.py' python: packages: - torch - transformers
This can then be used to build a
using the following command:A
is not a docker image, but it can be used to build a docker image with the following command:-
Can you figure out how the different parts of the
are used to build the docker image? Additionally, can you figure out from the source repository how thebentofile
is used to build the docker image?Solution
part specifies both what the container should be called and also what service it should serve, e.g., the last statement in the corresponding dockerfile isCMD ["bentoml", "serve", "service:Summarization"]
. Thelabels
part is used to specify labels about the container, see this link for more info. Theinclude
part corresponds toCOPY
statements in the dockerfile and finally thepython
part is used to specify what python packages should be installed in the container which corresponds toRUN pip install ...
in the dockerfile.Regarding how the
is used to build the docker image, thebentoml
package contains a number of templates (written using the jinja2 templating language) that are used to generate the dockerfiles. The templates can be found here. -
Take any service from the previous exercises and try to containerize it. You are free to either write a
or adockerfile
to do this.Solution
The following
can be used to containerize the very first service we implemented in this set of exercises.service: 'bentoml_service:ImageClassifierService' labels: owner: bentoml-team project: gallery include: - '' - 'model.onnx' python: packages: - onnxruntime - numpy
The corresponding dockerfile would look something like this:
Deploy the container to GCP Run and test that it works.
The following command can be used to deploy the container to GCP Run. We assume that you have already built the container and called it
docker tag bentoml_service:latest \ <region><project-id>/<repository-name>/bentoml_service:latest docker push <region><project-id>/<repository-name>/bentoml_service:latest gcloud run deploy bentoml-service \ --image=<region><project-id>/<repository-name>/bentoml_service:latest \ --platform managed \ --port 3000 # default used by BentoML
should be replaced with the id of the project you are deploying to. The service should now be available at the URL that is printed in the terminal.
This completes the exercises on the BentoML
framework. If you want to deep dive more into this we recommend
looking into their tasks feature for use cases that have a
very long running time and built-in
model management feature to unify the
way models are loaded, managed and served.
🧠 Knowledge check
How would you export a
model to ONNX? What method is exported when you export ascikit-learn
model to ONNX?Solution
It is possible to export a
model to ONNX using thesklearn-onnx
package. The following code snippet shows how to export ascikit-learn
model to ONNX.from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from skl2onnx import to_onnx model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=2) dummy_input = np.random.randn(1, 4) onx = to_onnx(model, dummy_input) with open("model.onnx", "wb") as f: f.write(onx.SerializeToString())
The method that is exported when you export a
model to ONNX is thepredict
method. -
In your own words, describe what the concept of computational graph means.
A computational graph is a way to represent the mathematical operations that are performed in a model. It is essentially a graph where the nodes are the operations and the edges are the data that is passed between them. The computational graph normally represents the forward pass of the model and is the reason that we can easily backpropagate through the model to train it, because the graph contains all the necessary information to calculate the gradients of the model.
In your own words, explain why fusing operations together in the computational graph often leads to better performance.
Each time we want to do a computation, the data needs to be loaded from memory into the CPU/GPU. This is a slow process and the more operations we have, the more times we need to load the data. By fusing operations together, we can reduce the number of times we need to load the data, because we can do multiple operations on the same data before we need to load new data.
This ends the module on tools specifically designed for serving machine learning models. As stated in the beginning of the module, there are a lot of different tools that can be used to serve machine learning models and the choice of tool often depends on the specific use case. In general, we recommend that whenever you want to serve a machine learning model, you try out a few different frameworks and see which one fits your use case best.