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Code testing

Code testing is an essential part of what we call continuous integration (CI) within DevOps. Continuous X assumes that we have a (long) developer pipeline (see image below) where we want to make some changes to our code e.g:

  • Update our training data or data processing
  • Update our model architecture
  • Something else ...

Any code change we will expect will influence the final result. The problem with doing changes to the start of our pipeline is that we want the change to propagate all the way through to the end of the pipeline.

Image credit

This is where continuous integration comes into play. The word continuous here refers to the fact that the pipeline should continuously be updated as we make code changes. You can also choose to think of this as the automatization of processes. As indicated in the image above, CI usually takes care of the first part of the developer pipeline which has to do with the code base, code building and code testing.

In the middle of the figure, we have the word test, which refers to testing our code. Testing are checks that we implement that we can run after we have made changes to our code to make sure that it is still doing what we think it should do, and that the changes we have made have not introduced bugs.

The kind of tests we are going to look at are called unit testing. Unit testing refers to the practice of writing test that tests individual parts of your code base to test for correctness. By unit, you can therefore think of a function, module or in general any object. By writing tests in this way it should be very easy to isolate which part of the code broke after an update to the code base. Another way to test your code base would be through integration testing which is equally important but we are not going to focus on it in this course.


  1. Read the getting started guide for pytest which is the testing framework that we are going to use. We have started a file for you called which you can implement the remaning of the exercises in.

  2. Install pytest:

    pip install pytest
  3. Write some tests. We are going to check the properties of some numpy functions for the sake of this exercise, however, normally you would write a test for your code and not third-party packages. Below are some guidelines on some tests that should be implemented, but you are of course free to implement more tests. You can at any point check if your tests are passing by typing in a terminal

    pytest tests/

    When you implement a test you need to follow two standards, for pytest to be able to find your tests. First, any files created (except should always start with test_*.py. Secondly, any test implemented needs to be wrapped into its function that again needs to start with test_:

    # this will be found and executed by pytest
    def test_something():
    # this will not be found and executed by pytest
    def something_to_test():
    1. Start by testing np.sin. Add a test_np_sin function to the where you check that the function correctly works for three different values.

    2. Afterward, let's test np.linalg.eig which calculates the eigen decomposition for a given matrix. You should test the following:

      • For a given (N,N) matrix, the shapes of the eigenvector matrix and eigenvalue matrix is also (N,N)
      • For a randomly generated symmetric matrix, all the eigenvalues are real
      • For a positive semidefinite matrix, all the eigenvalues are real and non-negative
    3. Good code raises errors and gives out warnings in appropriate places. This is often in the case of some invalid combination of input to your script. Let's take a look at np.arange which one could argue should be better at raising errors. Try to think about what the following line should return and afterward try to execute it:

      np.arange(start=0, stop=5, step=0.5, dtype=np.int32)

      I would argue that the output does not make sense, because the input does not make sense. Let's fix that:

      def new_arange(start, stop, step, dtype):
          if isinstance(step, float) and dtype == np.int32:
              raise ValueError('`step` argument cannot be float at the same time as argument `dtype` being int')
          return np.arange(start=start, stop=stop, step=step, dtype=dtype)

      Try implementing a test that checks that the error is correctly raised if the input is wrong. It should look a bit like this

      python def test_valueerror_being_raised(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='this is the message printed') new_arange(start=0, stop=5, step=0.5, dtype=np.int32)

    4. A test is only as good as the error message it gives, and by default assert will only report that the check failed. However, we can help our self and others by adding strings after assert like

      assert len(train_dataset) == N_train, "Dataset did not have the correct number of samples"

      Add such comments to the assert statements you just did in privious exercises.

  4. After writing the different tests, make sure that they are passing locally.

  5. We often want to check a function/module for various input arguments. In this case, you could write the same test over and over again for the different input, but pytest also has build in support for this with the use of the pytest.mark.parametrize decorator. Implement a parametrized test and make sure that it runs for different inputs.

  6. (Optional) There is no way of measuring how good the test you have written is. However, what we can measure is the code coverage. Code coverage refers to the percentage of your codebase that gets run when all your tests are executed. Having a high coverage at least means that all your code will run when executed.

    1. Install coverage

      pip install coverage
    2. Instead of running your tests directly with pytest, now do

      coverage run -m pytest tests/
    3. To get a simple coverage report simply type

      coverage report

      which will give you the percentage of cover in each of your files. You can also write

      coverage report -m

      to get the exact lines that were missed by your tests.

That covers the basics of writing unittest for Python code. We want to note that pytest of course is not the only framework for doing this. Python actually has a build in framework called unittest for doing this also (but pytest offers a bit more features). Another open-source framework that you could choose to checkout is hypothesis which can really help catch errors in corner cases of your code. In addition to writing unittests it is also highly recommended to test code that you include in your docstring belonging to your functions and modulus to make sure that any code there is in your documentation is also correct. For such testing, we can highly recommend using pythons build-in framework doctest.