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Using the cloud

Core Module

In this set of exercises, we are going to get more familiar with using some of the resources that GCP offers.


The most basic service of any cloud provider is the ability to create and run virtual machines. In GCP this service is called Compute Engine API. A virtual machine allows you to essentially run an operating system that behaves like a completely separate computer. There are many reasons why one to use virtual machines:

  • Virtual machines allow you to scale your operations, essentially giving you access to infinitely many individual computers

  • Virtual machines allow you to use large-scale hardware. For example, if you are developing a deep learning model on your laptop and want to know the inference time for a specific hardware configuration, you can just create a virtual machine with those specs and run your model.

  • Virtual machines allow you to run processes in the "background". If you want to train a model for a week or more, you do not want to do this on your laptop as you cannot move it or do anything with it while it is training. Virtual machines allow you to just launch a job and forget about it (at least until you run out of credit).


❔ Exercises

We are now going to start actually using the cloud.

  1. Click on the Compute Engine tab in the sidebar on the homepage of gcp.

  2. Click the Create instance button. You will see the following image below.


    Give it a meaningful name, and set the location to some location that is closer to where you are (to reduce latency). Finally, try to adjust the configuration a bit. What two factors are affecting the price of the compute unit?

  3. After figuring this out, create a e2-medium instance (leave the rest configured as default). Before clicking the Create button make sure to check the Equivalent code button. You should see a very long command that you could have typed in the terminal that would create a VM similar to configuring it through the UI.

  4. Now in a local terminal type:

    gcloud compute instances list

    you should hopefully see the instance you have just created.

  5. You can start a terminal directly by typing:

    gcloud compute ssh --zone <zone> <name> --project <project-id>

    You can always see the exact command that you need to run to ssh to a VM by selecting the View gcloud command option in the Compute Engine overview (see image below).


  6. While logged into the instance, check if Python and Pytorch are installed. You should see that neither is installed. The VM we have only specified what compute resources it should have, and not what software should be in it. We can fix this by starting VMs based on specific docker images (it's all coming together).

    1. gcp Comes with several ready-to-go images for doing deep learning. More info can be found here. Try, running this line:

      gcloud container images list --repository=""

      what does the output show?

    2. Next, start (in the terminal) a new instance using a Pytorch image. The command for doing it should look something like this:

      gcloud compute instances create <instance_name> \
          --zone=<zone> \
          --image-family=<image-family> \
          --image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \
          # add these arguments if you want to run on GPU
          --accelerator="type=nvidia-tesla-K80,count=1" \
          --maintenance-policy TERMINATE \
          --metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True" \

      You can find more info here on what <image-family> should have as value and what extra argument you need to add if you want to run on GPU (if you have access).

    3. ssh to the VM as one of the previous exercises. Confirm that the container indeed contains both a Python installation and Pytorch is also installed. Hint: you also have the possibility through the web page to start a browser session directly to the VMs you create:


  7. Finally, everything that you have done locally can also be achieved through the web terminal, which of course comes pre-installed with the gcloud command etc.


    Try out launching this and run some of the commands from the previous exercises.

Stopping VMs

If you are not careful you can end up wasting a lot of credits on virtual machines that you are not using. VMs are charged by the minute, so even if you are not using them you are still paying for them. Therefore, it is important that you remember to stop your VMs when you are not using them. You can do this by either clicking the Stop button on the VM overview page or by running the following command:

gcloud compute instances stop <instance-name>

Data storage

Another big part of cloud computing is the storage of data. There are many reasons that you want to store your data in the cloud including:

  • Easily being able to share
  • Easily expand as you need more
  • Data is stored in multiple locations, making sure that it is not lost in case of an emergency

Cloud storage is luckily also very cheap. Google Cloud only takes around $0.026 per GB per month. This means that around 1 TB of data would cost you $26 which is more than what the same amount of data would cost on Google Drive, but the storage in Google Cloud is much more focused on enterprise usage such that you can access the data through code.

❔ Exercises

When we did the exercise on data version control, we made dvc work together with our own Google Drive to store data. However, a big limitation of this is that we need to authenticate each time we try to either push or pull the data. The reason is that we need to use an API instead which is offered through gcp.

We are going to follow the instructions from this page

  1. Let's start by creating a data storage. On the GCP start page, in the sidebar, click on the Cloud Storage. On the next page click the Create bucket:


    Give the bucket a unique name, set it to a region close by and importantly remember to enable Object versioning under the last tab. Finally, click `Create``.

  2. After creating the storage, you should be able to see it online and you should be able to see it if you type in your local terminal:

    gsutil ls

    gsutil is an additional command to gcloud, that provides more command line options.

  3. Next we need the Google storage extension for dvc

    pip install dvc-gs
  4. Now in your MNIST repository where you have already configured dvc, we are going to change the storage from our Google Drive to our newly created Google Cloud storage.

    dvc remote add -d remote_storage <output-from-gsutils>

    In addition, we are also going to modify the remote to support object versioning (called version_aware in dvc):

    dvc remote modify remote_storage version_aware true

    This will change the default way that dvc handles data. Instead of just storing the latest version of the data as content-addressable storage it will now store the data as it looks in our local repository, which allows us to not only use dvc to download our data.

  5. The above command will change the .dvc/config file. git add and git commit the changes to that file. Finally, push data to the cloud

    dvc push
  6. Finally, make sure that you can pull without having to give your credentials. The easiest way to see this is to delete the .dvc/cache folder that should be locally on your laptop and afterward do a dvc pull.

This setup should work when trying to access the data from your laptop, which we authenticated in the previous module. However, how can you access the data from a virtual machine, inside a docker container or from a different laptop? We in general recommend two ways:

  • You can make the bucket publicly accessible e.g. no authentication is needed. That means that anyone with the URL to the data can access it. This is the easiest way to do it, but also the least secure. You can read more about how to make your buckets public here.

  • You can create a service account which is a more secure way of accessing data. A service account is essentially a second user to which you can give access to specific services. You can read more about how to create a service account here. Once you have created a service account you can give it access to a specific bucket by going to the Permissions tab of the bucket and adding the service account as a member.


    If you need to authenticate your service account from a VM, you can do it by running the following command:

    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=<key-file>

    where the <key-file is the json file that you downloaded when you created the service account (DO NOT SHARE THIS).

Artifact registry

You should hopefully at this point have seen the strength of using containers to create reproducible environments. They allow us to specify exactly the software that we want to run inside our VMs. However, you should already have run into two problems with containers

  • Building process can take a lot of time
  • Docker images can be large

For this reason we want to move both the building process and the storage of images to the cloud. In GCP the two services that we are going to use for this is called Cloud Build for building the containers in the cloud and Artifact registry for storing the images afterwards.

Artifact registry vs Container registry

Prior to May 2023 the default way of storing docker images in GCP was through the Container registry. However, services in GCP are constantly being updated and improved. Therefore, the Container registry was replaced by the Artifact registry which is generalized registry for not only storing docker images but also other types of packages content like Python packages.

❔ Exercises

For the purpose of these exercise I recommend that you start out with a dummy version of some code to make sure that the building process do not take too long. You are more than free to fork this repository. The repository contains a simple python script that does image classification using sklearn. The docker images for this application are therefore going to be substantially faster to build and smaller in size than the images we are used to that uses Pytorch.

  1. Start by enabling the service: Google Artifact Registry API and Google Cloud Build API. This can be done through the web side (by searching for the services) or can also be enabled from the terminal:

    gcloud services enable
    gcloud services enable
  2. First step is creating an artifact repository in the cloud. You can either do this through the UI or using gcloud in the command line.

    Find the Artifact Registry service (search for it in the search bar) and click on it. From there click on the Create repository button. You should see the following page:


    Give the repository a name, make sure to set the format to Docker, specify the region and finally click Create. You should now see the repository in the list of repositories.

    gcloud artifacts repositories create <registry-name> \
        --repository-format=docker \
        --location=europe-west1 \
        --description="My docker registry"

    where you need to replace <repo-name> with a name of your choice. You can read more about the command here.

    Whenever we in the future want to push or pull to this artifact repository we can refer to it using this url:


    for example would be a valid url (this is the one I created).

  3. We are now ready to build our containers in the cloud. In principal GCP cloud build works out of the box with docker files. However, the recommended way is to add specialized cloudbuild.yaml files. You can think of the cloudbuild.yaml file as the corresponding file in GCP as workflow files are in GitHub actions, which you learned about in this module M16. It is essentially a file that specifies a list of steps that should be executed to do something, but the syntax of cause differs a bit.

    For building docker images the syntax is as follows:

        - name: ''
            args: ['build', '-t', '<region><project-id>/<registry-name>/<image-name>:<image-tag>', '.']
        - name: ''
            args: ['push', '<region><project-id>/<registry-name>/<image-name>:<image-tag>']

    which essentially is a basic yaml file that contains a list of steps, where each step consist of the service that should be used and the arguments for that service. In the above example we are calling the same service (cloud-builders/docker) with different arguments (build and then push). Implement such a file in your repository. Hint: if you forked the repository then you at least need to change the <project-id>.

  4. From the gcp homepage, navigate to the triggers panel:


    Click on the manage repositories.

  5. From there, click the Connect Repository and go through the steps of authenticating your GitHub profile with gcp and choose the repository that you want to setup build triggers. For now, skip the Create a trigger (optional) part by pressing Done in the end.


  6. Navigate back to the Triggers homepage and click Create trigger. Set the following:

    • Give a name
    • Event: choose Push to branch
    • Source: choose the repository you just connected
    • Branch: choose ^main$
    • Configuration: choose either Autodetected or Cloud build configuration file

    Finally click the Create button and the trigger should show up on the triggers page.

  7. To activate the trigger, push some code to the chosen repository.

  8. Go to the Cloud Build page and you should see the image being build and pushed.


    Try clicking on the build to checkout the build process and building summary. As you can see from the image, if a build is failing you will often find valuable info by looking at the build summary. If you build is failing try to configure it to run in one of these regions: us-central1, us-west2, europe-west1, asia-east1, australia-southeast1, southamerica-east1 as specified in the documentation.

  9. If/when your build is successful, navigate to the Artifact Registry page. You should hopefully find that the image you just build was pushed here. Congrats!

  10. Finally, to to pull your image down to your laptop

    docker pull <region><project-id>/<registry-name>/<image-name>:<image-tag>

    you will need to authenticate docker with gcp first. Instructions can be found here, but the following command should hopefully be enough to make docker and gcp talk to each other:

    gcloud auth configure-docker

    Note: To do this you need to have docker actively running in the background, as any other time you want to use docker.

  11. Automatization through the cloud is in general the way to go, but sometimes you may want to manually create images and push them to the registry. Figure out how to push an image to your Container Registry. For simplicity you can just push the busybox image you downloaded during the initial docker exercises. This page should help you with exercise.


As our final step in our journey through different GCP services in this module we are going to look at training of our models. This is one of the important tasks that GCP can help us with because we can always rent more hardware as long as we have credits, meaning that we can both scale horizontal (run more experiments) and vertical (run longer experiments).

We are going to checkout two ways of running our experiments. First we are going to return to the Compute Engine service because it gives the most simple form of scaling of experiments. That is: we create a VM with a appropriate docker image, we start it and login to the VM and we run our experiments. It is possible for most people to run a couple of experiments in parallel this way. However, what if there was an abstract layer that automatically created VM for us, lunched our experiments and the close the VM afterwards?

This is where Vertex AI service comes into play. This is a dedicated service for handling ML models in GCP in the cloud. Vertex AI is in principal and end-to-end service that can take care of everything machine learning related in the cloud. In this course we are primarily focused on just the training of our models, and then use other services for different parts of our pipeline.

❔ Exercises

  1. Lets start by see how we could train a model using Pytorch using the Compute Engine service:

    1. Start by creating a appropriate VM. If you want to start a VM that have Pytorch pre-installed with only CPU support you can run the following command

      gcloud compute instances create <instance-name> \
          --zone europe-west1-b \
          --image-family=pytorch-latest-cpu \

      alternatively, if you have access to GPU in your GCP account you could start a VM in the following way

      gcloud compute instances create <instance-name> \
          --zone europe-west4-a \
          --image-family=pytorch-latest-gpu \
          --image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \
          --accelerator="type=nvidia-tesla-v100,count=1" \
          --metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True" \
          --maintenance-policy TERMINATE
    2. Next login into your newly created VM. You can either open an ssh terminal in the cloud console or run the following command

      gcloud beta compute ssh <instance-name>
    3. It is recommend to always check that the VM we get is actually what we asked for. In this case the VM should have Pytorch pre-installed so lets check for that by running

      python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

      Additionally, if you have a VM with GPU support also try running the nvidia-smi command.

    4. When you have logged in to the VM, it works as your machine. Therefore to run some training code you would need to do the same setup step you have done on your machine: clone your Github, install dependencies, download data, run code. Try doing this to make sure you can train a model.

  2. We are now moving on to the final way to train our code, using Vertex AI service.

    1. Start by enabling it by searching for Vertex AI in the cloud console and go to the service

    2. The way we are going to use Vertex AI is to create custom jobs because we have already developed docker containers that contains everything to run our code. Thus the only command that we need to use is gcloud ai custom-jobs create command. An example here would be:

      gcloud ai custom-jobs create \
          --region=europe-west1 \
          --display-name=test-run \

      Essentially, this command combines everything into one command: it first creates a VM with the specs specified by a configuration file, then loads a container specified again in the configuration file and finally it runs everything. A example of a config file could be:

      # config_cpu.yaml
              machineType: n1-highmem-2
          replicaCount: 1

      if you only want to run on CPU and another example for GPU:

      # config_gpu.yaml
              machineType: n1-standard-8
              acceleratorType: NVIDIA_TESLA_T4 #(1)!
              acceleratorCount: 1
          replicaCount: 1
      1. In this case we are requesting a Nvidia Tesla T4 GPU. This will only work if you have quota for allocating this type of GPU in the Vertex AI service. You can check how to request quota in the last exercise of the previous module. Remember that it is not enough to just request quota for the GPU, the request need to by approved by Google before you can use it.

      you can read more about the configuration formatting here and the different types of machines here. Try to execute a job using the gcloud ai custom-jobs create command. For additional documentation you can checkout the documentation on the command and this page and this page

    3. Assuming you manage to lunch a job, you should see an output like this:


      To executing the commands that is outputted to look at both the status and the progress of your job.

    4. In addition you can also visit the Custom Jobs tab in training part of Vertex AI


      Check it out.

    5. During custom training we do not necessarily need to use dvc for downloading our data. A more efficient way is to use cloud storage as a mounted file system. This allows us to access data directly from the cloud storage without having to download it first. All our training jobs are automatically mounted a gcs folder in the root directory. Try to access the data from your training script:

      # loading from a bucket using mounted file system
      data = torch.load('/gcs/<my-bucket-name>/')
      # writing to a bucket using mounted file system, '/gcs/<my-bucket-name>/')

      is should speed up the training process a bit.

This ends the session on how to use Google cloud services for now. In a future session we are going to investigate a bit more of the services offered in GCP, in particular for deploying the models that we have just trained.